Sunday, July 27, 2008

Okay, I know what you are thinking...

Well, my addiction to the internet (or the computer, in general) has not infiltrated my blog. I started this darn thing almost 9 months ago and this is only my third post. Pathetic, I know. I will try harder next time, I promise (I have my fingers crossed as I type this!).

My daughter, Rylee, will tell you I am no good with promises. I am learning not to promise anything! Especially, if the only reason I make the promise to stop the incessant whining of my children. My children have memories like elephants. Do elephants really have good memories? distracted. I will google that later and report back.

I am officially started the school countdown. I think there are 27 days left of summer! I am ready. With gas so high, taking the kids to do fun stuff is not really possible. Of course, they are given the "Mom and Dad are not made of money" speech every other day. That memory thing doesn't apply to every detail, I guess. :) I was able to take the kids to see my folks. They had a great time. Nana and Papaw tend to spoil all of us! I was able to take the kids to a water park with my sister and her family. Ethan wore me out! I could not get out of his eyesight. He surprises me. One minute he hates me and says, "Leave me alone!" Then he is hugging and kissing me and asking if he is my "punkin." What a stinker! The trip was pretty uneventful. We did, however, go out to Brent's grandma's for a tractor ride! That was fun. The kids loved that.

This semester should be fairly light for me. I am only taking 12 hours and 2 of those classes are math classes (EASY!!!). I am looking forward to seeing my friends. I live vicariously through them! I like to hear about their carefree summers! Don't get the wrong idea! I love my life, but I never got to be a traditional college student. I don't think I could do it now. I have led too much of a sheltered life, as a young wife and mother.

My summer, as whole, has been pretty boring. I have no time for excitement or drama. I get to hear about all the drama I could possibly want at Home Depot. I work with some people who are really warped in the decision-making skills (if they have any at all). It keeps things interesting each weekend.

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